
What is Signage ?

A signage is a physical visual representation of information about an entity, place, thing or an event.It can be anything from a name of a building, business or place to information about events, products, safety instructions, directions, Advertisements etc..

In olden days, Signage have taken various shapes and forms like stone tablets, printed papers,metal sheets, carving on woods etc.These enable the people to get info about a place and major buildings and act as a way to distinguish one from the another.As the world progress into the modern era the need for signages kept increasing and eventually people started using them for advertising applictions.As more businesses begin to arise various business owners begin to adopt different types of unique eye-catching signs inorder to compete with one another as a result a new industry called signage industry is developed. Colourful Lightings were also used to make them even more attractive and eye-catching which make the people to notice them more frequently than the ones without lightings

Now we can find various forms of signages in offices, building, roads, shops and almost everywhere even in home.It has become an essential part of our daily surroundings.

Some Application of Signages

  1. To Show Brand or Business Name
  2. WayFinding Application
  3. Safety Instructions
  4. Identification of places and buildings
  5. Events and Functions Advertisements



At Kumari Signage, we understand that each client is unique. Our client-centric approach involves active collaboration, open communication, and a commitment to exceeding expectations. Your success is our success. Elevate your brand with our exceptional signage work. Contact us today to explore how we can transform your space into a visual masterpiece that resonates with your audience and reinforces your brand identity.

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